Goblet of Eternal Light – 2012
January 16, 2018

Goblet of Eternal Light:
Ambum of “Goblet of Eternal Light” is a combination of a variety of Kurdish pieces including Maqams of Tanbur music, Kurdistan’s Khaniqah music and Kurdish folk and romantic music.
Using the words of the most acclaimed poets of different Kurdish dialects such as Mamoosta Mahwi and Mamoosta Naali of Soorani dialect, Moulawi Kurd of Howrami dialect, Mamoosta Guran of the new age Kurdish poetry and Sayyed Saleh Kermanshahi of the Kermanshahi dialect, the present collection embodies a delicate blend of Kurdish music and words.
The opening track, harmonizes the mystic quotes of Mowlavi Kurd with an ethereal music in an attempt to burst human prayers into the tunes of passion and spirituality. In the second track, a Kurdish melody is verified using the poem “Autumn” by Mamosta Guran. In the third track, a poem of Mamoosta Mahwi accompanied by tanbur and daf reflects Kurdistan’s Khaniqah music. These prayers are followed by two short pieces of vocal music, rooted in the Allah Waisy Maqam, to represent partly the Kurdish Avaz (Iranian traditional or Maqami non-rhythmic singing). In the fifth track, a modified Kurdish folk ballad accompanies the words of Sayyed Saleh Kermanshahi. The last track blends the words of Mamoosta Naali with rhythms and beats seldom used in Kurdish music.
This album also comes with a CD booklet containing background information and analysis of the recordings, reprinted words, images of the performers, and additional artwork to further familiarize the universal audience with the intentions of the artists and the background of the music.